
Friday, June 15, 2007

*Great Mail Day*

I received some good mail on Thursday!! I like getting good mail!

First was this Blogger RAK from Diane Gilbert. I dont' use a lot of brown in my creations, but am always amazed at how good it looks when others do it. I guess I need to step out of my box once in a while. Thanks so much for the beautiful card, Diane!

The other piece of good mail was my Score-Pal from Diana Crick. I have only used it for scoring cards so far, but it works really really well! Check it out here!


  1. Have fun with the Scor-pal!

  2. Don't you just love that Scor-Pal. Mine arrived Tue or Wed and it works like a ding.

  3. I am pondering the purchase of a Scor-Pal. Glad to hear that you like yours so far.



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