
Saturday, August 04, 2007

*Blog Style Scattergories*

I saw this over on Jen's Blog and thought it would be fun...

For each question your answer has to start with the same letter that your first name starts with. For boy/girl names the name can't be the same as your own. I challenge you to try this out with YOUR name.

Your Name: Nancy
Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Nickleback
4 letter word: Neck
Vehicle: Nissan
TV SHOW: Night Court
City/Town: Nice (in France)
Boy Name: Nicholas
Girl Name: Nicole
Occupation: Nail Technician
Something you wear: Necklace
Celebrity: Naomi Watts
Food: nanaimo bars
Something found in a kitchen: nutmeg
Reason for Being Late: no gas
Cartoon Character: Nemo
Something You Shout: Nimcompoop!!


  1. Your Name: Charlene
    Famous Artist/Band/Musician: Chris Issac
    4 letter word: Chew
    Vehicle: Cadillac
    City/Town: Chilliwack
    Boy Name: Charlie
    Girl Name: Cheyenne
    Occupation: Clerk
    Something you wear: Capris
    Celebrity: Charlize Theron
    Food: Cantalopue
    Something found in a kitchen: Cup
    Reason for Being Late: Chaos
    Cartoon Character: Calvin & Hobbes
    Something You Shout: Crap!!

  2. Your name: Connie
    Famous Artist/Band/Musician:Conway Twitty
    4 letter word: cough
    Vehicle: Comet
    TV Show: Captain Kangaroo
    City/Town: Chicago
    Boy Name: Connor
    Girl Name: Chole
    Occupation: Choir Director
    Somthing you wear: corset
    Celebrity: Celtic Women
    Food: Caper
    Something found in the kitchen: can opener
    Reason for being late: coughing
    Carton character: Captain America
    Something to shout: Cheers

  3. Well wasn't thinking on the four letter word so I will have to say cats. Thanks for sharing and I love you sight.

  4. Hi Nancy : I seen this and I will have to try it for my blog ( maybe this weekend ) love things like this that make us think a wee bit .. How fun and thanks for sharing this with all of us ..


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