
Friday, March 07, 2008

*Well, I Blew It*

I got tired of my new blog layout today... I realized that text area of my blog is transparent, which means you can see those pretty flowers on the right side, but that my uploads are washed out because of it. That means that the colours of my cards aren't true... in fact, they look like I've taken really awful photos of them.

So I was playing around with a new template. I was very smart and copied the HTML of my blue layout and pasted it into a Microsoft Word Document. I changed the layout and then reverted to the blue layout again....

And wouldn't you know it??? I have lost some of my widgets, including the counter that told me how many hits I've had!!

I don't care so much about the other widgets, but it truly sucks that my counter is gone.

I will be doing the new layout just as soon as Blogger decides to let me do it instead of giving me an error message.... and I guess I'll have to try to find a way to figure out where I was in the count.

What a bummer....


  1. If you go to the blog counter site you can get your counter going again by giving it a new start point. That is what I had to do again. So as long as you have some idea you haven't lost it.

  2. I like your new blog template though!

    Did you have a sitemeter account...they keep tracking even if the widget is off your site for a little while...

  3. New template looks great!!...too bad about the counter....sure will make me think about my next change!

  4. Oh that sucks. I am sorry that you lost it. I hope you can get it back.


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