
Wednesday, April 05, 2023

*Butterfly Sympathy*

The day after my Mom passed away (back in 2010), my sisters and I were out running some errands and taking care of some things...  we got back to Mom's house and there was a butterfly (a real one) on the front door.  It was September and it felt a little late in the season to see butterflies.  

We asked for donations to the hospice where Mom spent her last month of life... and Mom's friends and family stepped up big time with donations and we were able to dedicate a plaque in Mom's name on the wall of the hospice... and with the level of donations, it happened to be a butterfly.

For Christmas that year, one of my sisters and I took our families on a Caribbean Cruise... on Christmas Day we were on the ship in the middle of the ocean (it was a sailing day) and a butterfly landed on my deck chair by the pool.

I think it's fitting that I share this card with you today, as Mom would have turned 84 today...

I choose to believe that each of those things were my Mom saying "hello" to me...  and since then, I have seen butterflies in so many places that just don't make sense.  So I guess I now associate butterflies with sympathy cards.

Card Info
*Images:  Paper Rose Studio Cleo Floral Butterfly; MFT Essential Sentiments
*Ink:  Catherine Pooler Stone Blue (I coloured cardstock for that blue layer)
*Tools:  Perfect Layers


  1. Beautiful card. I remember getting a card from your Mom in the mail a long long time ago. She was such a special lady. And now I will think of butterflies as well. And dimes…sometimes see those everywhere.
    (It won’t let me sign in, but this is Trina!)

  2. What a beautiful story Nancy. Your Mom was a terrific card maker.
    My husbands Birthday is
    today as well. He used to always have a tooney & a candy for our 1st Grand child.,a girl's 3 great grandkids that he adored. After he passed, they walked down the back woods drive & find toobeys every time for a few months.
    For years we would look at the clock & it would be either 11:11 or 1:11. It still happens to me all the time. I think it is him popping by to let me know he is with me. Dont' if we are nuts or really comforted by these things. I like to be comforted by it. You as well. XX

  3. What a beautiful story Nancy. My B.I.L. loved trains, and had a train clock that hadn't worked for years. Two days after he passed, the clock started working, and made the train noises every 1/2 hour, for the rest of the day. So who knows. Margaret from Australia


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