
Saturday, June 09, 2007

*The Patio*

OK, it's actually the deck.... the patio is still in the planning stages and will hopefully be in the backyard before fall...

We ate out on the patio at a local restaurant last night and we were talking today about how nice that was. I made the comment that if we got our act together and actually bought a patio set, we'd be able to eat out on our "patio" anytime we wanted.

So off we went today... first to Canadian Tire and then to Walmart. We got this tile topped set at Walmart. We had some money to spend that we got as a gift for our birthdays and anniversary and we added some of our own cash to it to buy this set. A big thank you to those who gave us money this year!!!!! I hope you like how we spent it! (the birthday stuff was in advance since our birthdays aren't until the end of July)

It's a little big for deck, but like I said, a patio is in our future for the table and chairs....

Yup, we're doing a BBQ stirfry for dinner and we'll be eating outside tonight!

(and hey, you can see the new shed in the background of the first picture! The new patio will go in to the right of the deck in the 2nd photo)


  1. Very nice patio set!! When's dinner??

  2. Wohoo for a nice patio set! I wish I had *deck* but we will just settle for our driveway to get poured, lol! I will live vicariously through you as my set sits in the garage...

  3. I love the new set--it is beautiful! You are sure to get a lot of enjoyment out of your backyard now.

  4. Great set. We need some new stuff for our deck. Ian's parents gave us some advance wedding money as a gift to get going on our yard.

    BTW, I was at Country Hills Michaels today and they had in a whole bin full of $1.50 acriylic stamps. Some new some repeats. Just thought I'd let you know.

  5. Nice patio set--we still just have an old resin set and don't really use it a lot because our deck is quite open and we see too much traffic.
    With all the rain we aren't out there anyway!!!!

  6. Nice patio set. I bet you willl enjoy it

  7. this is on my wishlist... hopefully we will get it before the next heatwave hits... right now we are in a BC rainstorm. But we had a beautiful deck built last fall, and I am really wanting to put it to use this Summer. We'll have to go check out Walmart because I really like your set!

  8. Nancy your new patio set looks very inviting!

    We did the same thing - first the wood deck and then the cement patio in our backyard.

    If you need photos for ideas just let me know and I'll email you some.

  9. Good luck with your new set. Ours is about 20 years old and made very well but wearing a little (you think?) but actually now they are made so poorly I am having a hard time finding anything I like and with a pattern that fits our decor...

  10. I really like your patio set. We have a wooden table, bench & chairs & I'd LOVE to replace them.

    Your yard looks nice & roomy. A patio will be a great addition. Mmmm... I think I smell a barbeque.....


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