So many people asked if they could rent a table at the August garage sale that Robin (the Scrapmobile) and Carole (Paper Pastimes) have decided to rent the Haysboro Community Hall so that others could participate!!
It's the Craft Supplies Intervention.... also known as the "I Thought I Needed It" Festival!!!
Gather up your new, gently used or left overs from your stamping, scrapping, stitching, beading, quilting, fibre work, metal work or any other craft or art projects. Craft magazines, books and grab bags too!
Sort and price your collection, buddy up with a friend if you want! Rent a table (or a parking tall near Robin and have a tailgate party in the parking lot!). Bring a cash float, sell your treasures and KEEP YOUR CASH!!!!
Sunday, October 30th
11am to 2pm
Haysboro Community Hall
1204 89th Ave SW (one block west of Elbow Dr on 90th Ave SW)
$30 for at able in the main hall
$5 for one reserved parking stall near Robin... you will set up your table (bring your own) behind your vehicle
Please call Robin at (403) 606-3470 or Carole at (403)255-8731
Registration begins at 10am on Thursday, September 15th. Please call Paper Pastimes at (403)255-8731... have your credit card ready when you phone!!
*Fees are not refundable
*space is limited... if you're interested, book early to avoid disappointment!!!
DON'T WANT TO PART WITH YOUR STASH??? then bring your cash and come shopping!!
WOW I'll tell my GF incase she wants to empty one of her craft rooms.